Price per 1 $STRT
Seed: $0.03
Strategic: $0.04
Public: $0.06
Seed: 4% | unlock 5% at TGE, 95% linear release for 19 months
Strategic: 5% | unlock 5% at TGE, 5% distribution 2, 3, 10% distribution 4, 5, 6, 7 & 15% distribution 8, 9, 10
Public: 1% | unlock 20% at TGE, 80% linear release for 4 months
Advisor: 5% | unlock 0% at TGE, Locked for 3 months then 2 years vesting
Marketing: 15% | unlock 0% at TGE, Locked for 3 months then 2 years vesting
Ecosystem: 35% | unlock 0% at TGE, 100% release over 2 years
Team: 15% | unlock 0% at TGE, Locked for 12 months then linear 5% monthly release
Liquidity: 10% | unlock 100% before TGE at DEX and CEX (liquidity token will be locked on smart contract)
Burn: 10%
Initial Circulating Supply at TGE : max. 0.65% of Total Supply
Initial Market Cap at TGE : max $156,000
Total Supply : 400,000,000 $STRT
30% for business development (hiring more professional team, marketing cost, monthly team salary, operational cost, an accelerator fund
30% for liquidity (providing liquidity on CEX & DEX, maintaining $STRT token price)
30% for ecosystem growth (incubator fund, accelerator fund, promotion, bounty, affiliate, reward)
10% for a reserve fund
Last updated